Kiefer Sutherland  


I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and today is the longest day of my life


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Hi and welcome to our Kiefer Sutherland Fanpage. We always liked Kiefer, but we really got into him when we first started to watch 24 and got addicted to it. We, LuMa, made the descision that we create this site together. LuMa is simply short for our nicks Luin and Maggi . We've already encluded some information and a lot of pictures. There's a forum and a guest-book where every entry is very welcome. We are creating this site just for fun and we don't want to interfere with anyone and anything that's online already. If anything isn't all right, please contact us and we are sure will be pleased to correct this. Please use this contact link or simply make an entry in the forum.

Every-one who'd ever done a homepage on their own know that it's a lot to deal with. So please be a little bit patient that this site is still not complete. If anybody is in the mood to help us, every bit is really welcome and of course we will make sure that the creator will be named.

Well, this is just a little introduction in English. From April, 7th 2004 we offer the menue in English, too. That might be a little bit easier for you ton navigat our site. The rest of the site will be in German, but you still can take a look at all the pictures (there's always the orginial title of the movie on it). Have lots of fun and you can always contact one of us in English if you like. If you found this site using a search-engine you won't have the possibility to see the menue. So please go to Kiefersplace and use the "English Introduction"-link.












Please note, that season 3 will be aired from January, 5th 2005 on Germany telly. Yeah, we are quite some time behind :o(



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